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Office of the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services
Office of the Mayor for Health and Human Services logo
Office Hours
Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5:30 pm

Connect With Us
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 223, Washington, DC 20004
Phone: (202) 727-7973
Fax: (202) 442-5066
TTY: 711

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Cold Emergency Alert - FAQs

Date Released: 
Fri, 01/24/2014
Q: What is a Cold Emergency Alert?
A: A Cold Emergency Alert is called when the temperature falls, or is forecasted to fall, to 15˚F or below including wind chill, or 20˚F, including wind chill, and one or more of the following conditions exists:
  • Steady precipitation for 60 consecutive minutes
  • Ice Storms and/or freezing rain
  • Snow accumulation of 3 inches or more
  • Sustained winds of more than 10-15 miles per hour
  • A wind chill below 0˚F


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