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Office of the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services

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As DC Continues to Celebrate Pride Month, DC Health Promotes Free Health Resources for LGBTQIA+ Community

Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Free and Confidential Health Services Available Year-Round

(Washington, DC) – As the District continues to celebrate Pride Month, DC Government health and human services agencies are spreading the word about a variety of resources to help ensure all Washingtonians, including members of the LGBTQIA+ community, have access to the health care and social services they need to live healthy, happy lives.

“We know that when the LGBTQIA+ community receives affirming care, the outcomes are positive,” said Dr. Ayanna Bennett, Director of DC Health. “DC agencies have so many free resources for the community. We encourage people to reach out when they need support.”

Health Care Services
DC Health offers a number of free and confidential resources that help individuals know their status, prevent HIV or STIs, and treat HIV.   

  • Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) is a free, emergency medication taken to prevent HIV and has to be started within 72 hours of possible exposure. People who are HIV-negative and think they were exposed to HIV can call the DC PEP Hotline at (202) 299-3PEP (3737) to speak with an expert and caring medical provider. 
  • Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) is a treatment that can reduce the spread of HIV in high-risk populations by taking a pill daily to reduce the risk of HIV. The DC Health and Wellness Center offers 100% virtual services to access PrEP. DC’s TelePrEP program is free, easy, and confidential. Visit for more information or call 202-741-7692 to get started.

In addition to free PEP and PrEP, residents can access the following resources through

  • Condom Delivery
  • At-Home Test Kits
  • Positive Voices Podcast
  • Safe LGBTQ Housing at SMYAL
  • DC Health and Wellness Center (77 P Street NE)

Additionally, naloxone, a life-saving medication used to reverse an opioid-related drug overdose, is available in every ward in the District, at no cost and no ID or prescription.

Mental Health Services

  • The DC Department of Behavioral Health prevents, treats and supports recovery from mental health and substance use disorders. Call 1-888-7WE-HELP (1-888-793-4357) anytime to connect with a mental health or substance use disorder provider located near you. 
  • The Safe Commercial Corridor Hubs in Chinatown and Anacostia allow residents to engage with the Department of Behavioral Health and get connected to mental health services. 
  • With 125 providers located across the District, there are a variety of ways to get mental health supports at home, in schools or in your community.

Housing Services

  • Living Life Alternative’s Program is the District of Columbia's LGBTQIA+ low barrier shelter serving homeless individuals of the LGBTQIA+ community. The shelter provides case management services, job readiness training, life skills classes, psychosocial support, health and wellness support, and housing navigation to transition individuals into permanent housing.
  • Zoe’s Doors is a drop-in center for District youth ages 18-24 experiencing homelessness and housing instability or simply in need of a safe place to go. The center is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and is operated by DC Doors with support from the DC Department of Human Services. Services at Zoe’s Doors include hot meals, showers, housing services, case management, a healthcare clinic, life skill workshops, and more.
  • The Department of Human Services (DHS) manages several other day centers and low-barrier shelters. DHS also provides transportation to shelter for those in need. Learn more about housing supports and shelters in DC at

DC Health also offers a database called LinkU, searchable by zip code, that includes information about free and reduced cost services, like medical care, food, housing and more. 

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