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Office of the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services

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Office of the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services

Office of the Mayor for Health and Human Services logo
Office Hours
Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5:30 pm

Connect With Us
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 223, Washington, DC 20004
Phone: (202) 727-7973
Fax: (202) 442-5066
TTY: 711
Email: [email protected]

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Take the 211 Cell Phone Survey

Last Date:

Have you called DC's 211 from a cell phone?

211 (also known as Answers, please!) is the District’s social services referral system available by phone and Internet. Anyone can call any time to find out about health services, government programs, help for families, and much more!  We are interested in your experiences calling 211 from a cell phone. The responses will help the District improve its system.

Please take a few minutes to answer some questions; be assured your responses are confidential.


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